Friday, December 23, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Dissolving on the inside, fractured on the out
Sunday, October 16, 2011
My Mask Of Insanity
Long nights with out sleep
Tossing and turning
Floating through the hours
Gazing into the abyss
Voiceless faces stare back With looks of pity
As dawn draws near
I adorn my mask of insanity
Forged from lies of contentment
To hide what truly resides within
Through the progression of the day
I feel the mask begin to crack
And fear the worst
As you begin to see inside
Covering up the faults
With feeble excuses
And when dusk nears
I begin fabricating a new masK
Each one weaker than the last
Brittle Bones
My brittle bones are frozen
Through and through
Shattering like glass
At the thought of you
My soul withers
Down to nothing
When I see the stars
And I realize I am meaningless
Stuck in a rip tide
Fighting toward the shore
Using the last ounce of hope
Praying for a life line
To get me out of this hole
Sinking fast to the oceans end
Threatening to swallow me whole
My tears are lost on the waves
Your name is silenced by the storm
As I join the others In this watery grave
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Empty Spaces
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Runic Code
Powders & Poisons
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
For Heather M. Winchell
Like the way your eyes shine so bright it makes the stars jealous.
Or the way you float above the ground so gracefully.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Obliteration Of A Life
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Fucked up & Dying.
Lady Morphine
Friday, February 11, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
something pt.2
She walked me through her garden
Showed me all beauty it had to offer
There was much to see
We spent much time there
Ages and ages hence
The sun finally set
Everything faded to black
I found myself lost
In a repeat thought
I became a ghost tonight
Surrounded by paper cut out figures
Stuck in their own worlds
Their glass eyes looking right through me
I danced with death tonight
Waltzed beautifully around a grand hall
For an audience that had no face
My bones felt frail and brittle
As my cheek brushed against hers
We stood on the edge of the world
Inching ever closer
With each movement played by the orchestra
She whispered in my ear
All the temptations
Of death and its sweet release
Then I felt a presence that I had not felt in ages
Your presence, in angelic form
Came to comfort my wavering soul
You reminded me that you never left my side
And that all this was temporary and transient.
something pt.1
Flowing through my vessels
Working out to my hands & feet
& back to my heart, riding the crimson wave
Pupils dilate, light rapidly increases
This room becomes the only world we know
We destroy ourselves to create this universe
Trees sprout up & flowers blossom out of our chest
Birds take flight from our eyes
We create something from nothing
Then we entangle & galaxies collide
Passion engulfs the stars in flames
They fall from the sky & everything dies
As the roots undo, our world dissolves
The black abyss rolls in & over us
Like a fog off the California shoreline
We descend down the mountain, all is lost
this fleeting feeling, never found again.