With much thanks to a very good friend of mine, Dirk Thompson, I have a great love and appreciation for instrumental music. And it all began in the summer of 2007, it all began with Explosions In The Sky. After that I discovered Godspeed You Black Emperor! And so many more since then. The reason I love such music is that you can get lost in it. There are no vocals, so there is no strain in attempting to remember the lyrics. You can close your eyes and visualize vibrant bursts colors, or stare out into the distance and let your mind wander. I have recently been discovering new instrumental bands and it has been a great experience. In fact I love discovering new music in general. I love finding a band that really speaks to me and delving deep into that band, collecting all their recorded works, and learning band member names, facts, and history of the band. And in my opinion, if a band can speak to me in a way that isn't straight forward and with out using words to paint the picture or spell it all out, then they are truly the masters of their art.
"I went into the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life and see if I could not learn what I had to teach, and not, when I came time to die, discover that I had not lived." - Henry David Thoreau
"You can close your eyes and visualize vibrant bursts colors, or stare out into the distance and let your mind wander." that kind of makes me think of the visualizer that you can put up on itunes. sometimes i like to just put it on and get lost in thought watching it..